What is Cows Phobia and How Does it Affect People? Bovinophobia, more popularly known as Cows Phobia, is a fear of cows that affects people of all ages – varying from mild uneasiness to full-blown panic attacks. Even pictures can invoke the same response in a person suffering from this phobia. Phobias can cause physical

Sleep is an important part of our life. The natural sleep-wake cycle allows our body to have sufficient rest during the night to feel energetic and healthy throughout the day. However, millions of people worldwide suffer from sleep problems, which interfere with their daily life. According to Sleep Foundation, 10 – 30 % of Americans

The NIHT statistic claims that 19 million Americans struggle with one or several phobias. While they are not dangerous to life, living in constant fear of something can significantly affect your mental health and social life. Unlike the typical fear, which appears in people for a definite reason, phobia usually has no grounds behind it.

Officially, the incidence of panic attacks in the United States is about 4.7%. This figure can be related to adult population only. A panic attack can be characterized as an episode of intense, usually unexplainable, fear. Aside from the psychological manifestations, panic attacks have a variety of physical symptoms. A person living through a panic

Have you ever felt that you’ve lost control of your life and cannot get out of the situation you live in? Stress, never-ending tiredness (both physical and emotional), no positive vision of your future, no stimuli to work, no desire to do anything; It’s like you’ve come to a dead-end and there’s no way out.

Every day we live through hundreds of emotions. From joy to sorrow, from blissfulness to anger, and even aggression. Regardless of what you feel, it’sa healthy emotion, and you need to know that. Still, giving way to the entire spectrum of feelings and emotions you have is rarely the thing we want, especially when it